1-800-649-8481 Toll Free

Our organization is unique in that we have both an outpatient therapy program and our inclusive developmental preschool program with school-based therapy services. Our clients can be enrolled in one or more of our programs. The preschool program allows the Speech-Language Pathologist to work as a team member with the classroom staff to assist in supporting the child with speech and language difficulties and to ensure a successful preschool experience.

Address: 10686 Crestwood Drive, Suites A and B
City: Manassas
State: Virginia
Postal Code: 20109
Office phone: 703-565-8000
Website URL: https://northernvirginiaspeech.com/" target="_blank">https://northernvirginiaspeech.com/
Tags/Notes: Northern Virginia speech and language, Medical & Behavioral Health, speech therapy, northern