1-800-649-8481 Toll Free

Has a ride access program to accommodate guests with disabilities. A key part of the program includes assigning specific ride boarding times at each attraction for guests with disabilities. In addition, up to 3 individuals will now be able to accompany a guest with a disability on the ride of his/her choice. Guests should stop by Guest Relations to pick up a Guide for Guests with Disabilities. This free guide explains the ride entry guidelines and procedures, provides specific information related to each attraction, and includes an Attraction Boarding Pass required for each guest with a disability which will cover his/her accompanying friends/family members.

Address: 16000 Theme Park Way
City: Doswell
State: Virginia
Postal Code: 20171
Office phone: 804-876-5000
Website URL: https://www.kingsdominion.com/" target="_blank">https://www.kingsdominion.com/
Tags/Notes: King's Dominion, recreation, leisure, recreation programs, central